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Instructional Technologies

SCS’ corporate objective is to become a leader in providing next generation Instructional Technology development tools and products. Our Instructional Technologies are to be affordable, intuitive and deployable to educational providers and homes.

  • Targeted Instruction Tool Suite
  • Virtual Classrooms
  • Virtual Tours and Lectures
  • Distributed Real-time Education Systems
  • Distributed Academic Competitions
Instructional Technologies (IT)
  • ØApplies: High Speed Simulation Technologies in an Instructional Context

  • Provides: Generic Instructional Technology Development and Support Tools

  • ØSupports: Creation of Targeted Instructional Simulations

  • ØSupports: Creation of Targeted Interactive Lessons and Quizes

  • ØSupports: Integrated Instructional Edutainment Solutions



SCS Engineering, Inc. 

23430 Hawthorne Blvd - Suite 240, Torrance, California  90505-4722

For further information, contact:  webmaster@scsenginc.com


SCS Engineering, Inc. © 2024