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Simulation Products

SCS Engineering, Inc. has a full line of development tools for System and Simulation Development.




SIMPAC® is an integrated tool set designed to be used by:

·         Design Engineers

·         Test Engineers

·         Integration Engineers

·         Or any other developer that requires a tool set that supports real-time (or non-real-time):

·         Data analysis

·         System analysis

·         Sensor Monitoring

·         Event Monitoring

·         System development

·         Software development

·         System Integration

·         System test

·         Simulation

System Integration Laboratory (SIL) facilities that have used systems and simulations based on these products and services, include:

  • Fixed Wing Air Vehicles
  • Rotary Wing Air Vehicles
  • Un-Manned Air Vehicles
  • Tilt Rotor Air Vehicles
  • Armored Vehicles
  • Commercial
  • Military

Applications include:

  • Formal System Testing

  • Real-Time Simulation Systems

  • Mission Review and Rehearsal

  • Interactive Trainers (Military and Commercial)

  • Standalone algorithm, model and software development

  • Subsystem Test and Integration

  • System Integration Laboratories

  • System maintenance

  • System integration

  • System Monitoring

  • Data Acquisitions

  • System Training

  • Test Sets

  • Hot Benches

  • Distributed Workstations

 SIMPAC is an Integrated Family of Real-Time Commercial Tools and Runtime Libraries which can be tailored to meet your needs…


  • Supports Multi-Source commercial H/W and S/W 
  • Includes Complete End-To-End Solution to: 
    • Minimize system development time 
    • Minimize system development costs 
    • Minimize maintenance costs 
  • Supports modular software and hardware upgrades: 
    • Board Level 
    • Subsystem Level 
    • System Level 
  • Multi-Language support 
    • C/C++, Fortran, Ada, … 
    • Python, LabView, Basic, …

SIMPAC COTS Building Blocks include:

  • Real-Time Workstation Suite (SP-WS)
  • Real-Time Subsystem Suite (SP-SS)
  • Real-Time Vehicle Suite (SP-VS)
  • Real-Time Theater Suite (SP-TS)

The following are the key SIMPAC elements:

·         Scenario - is an interactive portion of SIMPAC.  It is responsible for all interactions with the simulation workstation I/O devices.  All user inputs are handled and passed to the appropriate SIMPAC subsystem once the input has been validated.  All outputs from the SIMPAC subsystems are routed to the appropriate output device.  It is also responsible for dispatching software modules at runtime.  The Scheduler can schedule modules based on the system base clock, real-time clock or events tied to data messages.

·         Memory Handler (SCSMEM) - is the core communications subsystem for SIMPAC.  SCSMEM includes PUT and GET routines by which user developed software modules should perform global communication.  This ensures portability and is the mechanism by which SCSMEM gains access to the variables.  User modules can retrieve the most current value of any global variable by calling SIMPAC GET or can set the current value of a global variable by calling PUT.

·         Distributed Memory Handler (dSCSMEM) - is an alternate communications subsystem for SIMPAC.  dSCSMEM is used when data is to be transferred via a LAN/WAN communications path.  The equivalent SCSMEM operation is first done (locally) when the dSCSMEM operation is performed.  RemoteControl handles the runtime implementation for dSCSMEM.  SCSMEM, dSCSMEM and altSCSMEM operate in parallel.

·         Alternate Memory Handler (altSCSMEM) - is an alternate communications subsystem for SIMPAC.  altSCSMEM is used when data is to be transferred via an alternate communications path (e.g., Refelective Memory,  …). SCS has several implementations of altSCSMEM, others can be developed upon request.  SCSMEM, dSCSMEM and altSCSMEM operate in parallel.

·         Data Logger (SCSLOG) - provides the user with a mechanism to specify which global variables are to be logged for post-simulation evaluation using View.

·         Monitor (MONI) - allows the user to specify that global variables are to be interactively monitored in real-time.  MONI provides the capabilities to display variables in a tabular form with engineering units.

·         View - is a post-simulation data reduction tool, in contrast with MONI, which performs real-time data reduction.  View will provide the capabilities to display variables in a tabular form with engineering units or in a graphical form such as X/Y Line plots, Scatter plots, Polar Area plots and Bar Graphs.

·         Models & OFPs - are user developed application programs that use the SIMPAC software library.  All SIMPAC interfaces are public to ensure that users can tailor the system to meet their needs.  SIMPAC provides an optional Embedded Run Time System (ERTS) that can be used for developing embedded applications.



SCS Engineering, Inc. 

23430 Hawthorne Blvd - Suite 240, Torrance, California  90505-4722

For further information, contact:  webmaster@scsenginc.com


SCS Engineering, Inc. © 2024